
Reids Job Bill- What a Joke

In Politics on February 26, 2010 at 6:50 PM

I wonder how many congressman who voted yes on Reid’s job bill have actually ever run a business.  This bill has little chance of actually ‘creating’  jobs.

As a business owner for over 20 years, the only reason I am going to hire a new employee is because I believe the hiring will increase my bottom line.  I am not going to increase my expenses just because I get a small tax savings.  The only companies that are going to hire new employees under this ‘jobs bill’ are companies that were going to add new hires anyway.  Zero ‘new jobs’ will be created.  Anybody that owns a business looks at this type of legislation as a joke.

If Washington really wants to create new jobs, they have to pass legislation or start programs that appeal to business owners because it DOES  NOT create additional expenses.  A business cannot spend money it doesn’t have, a lesson I wish our government would learn.  If an average employee costs say $40k, no business is going to hire someone just because this ‘jobs bill’ decreases that $40k expense to $36k.  A $4k rebate on a new $40k car is nice but I still have to come up with $36k .  If I don’t have the $36k the rebate is irrelevant.

As a business owner, if Washington wants me to hire a new employee during these difficult economic times, then Washington has to make me an offer I cannot refuse.  Hey Washington how about letting me bring someone on board who is collecting unemployment.  Let them continue to collect their unemployment while they become a ‘trial’ employee for me.  After their ‘trial’ period, allow me to choose whether or not to hire them permanently.  I have nothing to lose by giving them a try because I am not compensating them during their ‘trial’ period. Zero increased expense for me, zero increased expense for tax payers. If they can help me increase my bottom line, I will hire them permanently.  Seems to be a potential win for the unemployed, a win for tax payers and a potential win for me, the employer. 

Just one idea as an alternative to a ‘jobs bill’ that has zero chance of creating new jobs and is nothing more than an additional waste of tax payers money spent by clueless out of touch politicians.

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